When you purchase a used bike from our Bike Garage locations you support Bike Skills Training at local elementary schools. We are training hundreds of 2nd graders how to ride a bike and older kids about the rules of the road and how to use a bike as reliable transportation. We train UCD students too! Ask about becoming trained to participate in this amazing program.
Our next scheduled trainings:
Weds., 10/4, 8:45am-10:15am, Birch Lane Elementary, 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders
Tues., 10/10, approx 8:00am-noon - Cesar Chavez Elementary, 2nd graders
Weds., 10/11, 8:45am-10:15am, Birch Lane Elementary, 4th, 5th & 6th graders
Tues., 10/17, 8:00am-noon, North Davis Elementary, 2nd graders
Contact Maria at 530-753-1125 (no texts) or funmaria@sbcglobal.net