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1500 Cannery Ave., Davis
at The Cannery

Saturdays 9am–12pm
Wednesdays 2pm-5pm

1st & Hays St., Woodland
at Douglas Middle School
Saturdays 9am–12pm

Wednesdays 2pm–5pm

Allow up to one hour for repair services

来到自行车车库,我们的志愿机械师将在那里修理您的自行车。我们接受现金、Venmo 和 Paypal 捐款。  



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Bike Repair

For more tips see the League of American Bicyclists' educational videos.


AIR If your tires give a bit when you press with your thumb, they need some air.

BRAKES When you squeeze your brakes hard, you should still be able to fit your thumb between the brake levers and the handlebars. Check that your brake pads aren’t worn out, and replace them if they are.

CHAIN, CRANK, CASSETTE Make sure your chain is running smoothly – lightly oiled and free of rust and gunk – by spinning it backwards a few revolutions.

QUICK RELEASE If your bike has quick release wheels, make sure the release levers are securely closed.

CHECK As you start to ride, listen for any rubbing, grinding or clicking noises that might indicate that something isn’t working correctly.

If something isn’t working properly, fix what you can and take any additional adjustments to your local bike shop. Schedule a regular tune-up for your bike.





混合动力自行车和城市自行车 + 老式自行车 + 公路自行车 + 山地自行车 + 儿童自行车 + Tag-a-Long 等等。  


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Vintage Bikes

One-of-a-kind, rare finds

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Retro Chic Bikes

Cycle chic

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Kids' Bikes

All sizes for all ages



Beautiful and ready for fun in the sun

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Road Bikes

Ride fast and ride far—in style

New Helmets, Locks, and Lights for Sale

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Bikes for Sale
Bike Education


问专家。有自行车问题吗?打电话给专家。 Maria Contreras 是一位国家认证的自行车教练。


获得 3-70 岁的私人自行车教练。 Maria 可以教您安全骑行、选择自行车并进行自己的自行车维护。

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Bike Educational Videos – View all 13 videos here


Ride Smart: Smart Cycling Videos by League of American Bicyclists

  • Find a multitude of short and simple videos about bicycling basics; find answers to questions you may have about bicycling; and find tips for staying safe, comfortable, and aware during your travels.

Drive Less
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1. Slow Down a Bit: Driving over the limit burns more fuel, so people should resist the urge to put the pedal to the medal. Admittedly, this can prove difficult on long, lonely stretches of interstate, but how often do anyone but truck drivers take extended treks on the daily? Speeds greater than 60MPH increase gas expenses and emissions significantly. Slowing down can save both dollars at the pump and wear and tear on a vehicle.


2. Perform Proper Maintenance: Performing proper vehicle maintenance such as getting regular oil changes doesn’t only extend engine life, but it also reduces emissions. When people drive, dirt and oil clog their engines. Performing proper maintenance keeps automobile engines from working too hard and expelling more particulates into the air.


3. Break the Myths Around Driving: The average American spends 17,600 minutes each year driving, and a lot of that time is spent sitting in traffic. Most people let their engines idle while stuck on the freeway, but doing so burns up a huge amount of fuel. Instead of letting cars idle in heavy traffic, turning the engine off saves on emissions. This may not always be possible, as extreme weather may make sitting in frigid or humid temperatures uncomfortable. Whenever the climate permits, though, turn the key and save on gas if sitting for a minute or more.


4. Get a Windshield Upgrade: Different states have laws dictating how much window tint drivers may apply. However, tints can reduce emissions by helping moderate temperatures inside the vehicle. Those who live in sunny locales benefit their wallets greatly by getting a legal shade applied.


5. Learn How to Drive: For years, stick-shift drivers extolled the gas-saving virtues of their driving techniques, but advancements in automotive technology — coupled with the proliferation of automatic transmissions — rendered such claims dubious. However, all manual vehicles contain an “idiot light” informing the driver when to upshift. Use this tool, as grinding gears burns up gas quickly. Slowing down, stopping gradually and obeying safety rules saves gas, too. Investing in a safe driving course may help save the environment as well as retaining more dough at fill-up time.

6. Rethink the Lift Kit: Bigger isn’t necessarily better when it comes to vehicles, so unless working for an off-road adventure company, reconsider adding a lift kit to that Jeep for show. Doing so makes engines work harder, exuding more exhaust into the atmosphere.

7. Explore Alternative Options: Those in the market for a new auto should investigate alternative fuel vehicles to reduce their carbon footprint. However, consumers not considering investing in a new car still can reduce their emissions. Explore telecommuting options with employers. Unless working in a customer-facing role, many workers perform as efficiently at home as they do at the office, many more so. Still driving miles for specialist doctor appointments? Look into telemedicine. This has made it possible for those living in rural areas to find care, but it can also help urban dwellers reduce their environmental impact. Why take the time to drive to a physician for med refills when it can be done closer to home by harnessing the power of the internet?


8. Ship It for the Win: Suffering from a love-hate affair with Jeff Bezos? Those who frequent online companies such as Amazon or Chewy should order supplies in bulk. Yes, many companies are experimenting with drone technology, but until such delivery methods become par for the course, those goodies ordered online arrive by truck. Instead of ordering a flood of Prime deliveries over the course of the week, wait until payday and order one huge shipment so FedEx only needs to ring once. Many online stores offer free shipping to those who buy in bulk, so doing so can help save some pennies, too.


9. Hitting the Open Road Less Often: Travel expands human horizons, but most drivers need to get to work or the market, not go on an adventure. Reducing carbon emissions means cutting down on the amount of time spent on the road. People can help protect the planet and save their sanity by trying some of these tips to reduce fuel consumption.

Bike Clinics



自行车运动在戴维斯和林地提供自行车诊所。这些诊所将帮助您建立骑自行车的信心。我们将回答您的问题,教您如何在交通中安全骑行,如何维护和修理您的自行车,并为您提供免费的 50 分自行车检查。我们还提供头盔、锁具、灯和自行车地图。

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Register Your Bike





混合动力自行车和城市自行车 + 老式自行车 + 公路自行车 + 山地自行车 + 儿童自行车 + Tag-a-Long 等等。  


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